To Obtain the Beatification and Canonization of Sister M. Annella Zervas, OSB
O Heavenly Father, who art the Author of all virtue and Source of all holiness, and who, through Thy faithful servant, Sister Annella Zervas, hast been pleased to give the world an example of patience and obedient resignation under suffering, we pray Thee to grant us the grace which we ask through her meditation, and thus to manifest her sanctity, that Thy Holy Church may soon be able to proclaim it for Thy greater glory, O God, and for the glorification of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, whom Sister Annella loved so fervently.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father (three times). Amen.
Lord Jesus, glorify Thy Spouse, Sister M. Annella Zervas, O.S.B.
We beg of Thee by Thy Holy Cross. Amen.